Monday, March 4, 2013

Sisters Before Misters

What happened to sisters before misters? Chicks before dicks? Holes before poles? Most people respect the girl code and try to balance the relationship with their boyfriend and the relationship with their group of friends. 

I think one of the most annoying things to females  is to have a seriously bad betch go rogue on friends because of a dude.

The Lana Del Rey song "This is What Makes Us Girls" inspired me to write about this tragedy.  One line says, "we don't stick together cause we put love first". It makes my skin crawl. There is absolutely no reason to stop hanging out with your girl friends because you are in a relationship. Chances are there are other girls in your close group of friends that have boyfriends as well. Honestly, it's a testament to your loyalty.  Those friends that you throw to the back burner are the ones that will be there when your heart is broken. Quite frankly, you don't deserve the shoulder they let you cry on. 

Besides, who wants to spend every single moment with one specific person anyways? I understand that new relationships are full of lust and desire to be with that person, but give it a rest. I'm not saying taken girls should have a ladies night, get wasted, and dance all over dudes behind their mans back. I'm saying don't stay locked down with no breath of freedom.   And honestly, if you feel like you can't take that breath of freedom and spend some time with friends then you need to reevaluate the person you're in a relationship with in the first place.

Those girls that usually disappear with each new relationship are also the ones who do nothing but talk about their boyfriend when they actually do come around. No relationship is perfect so why try and force that fake perception on the friends that just want to hang out with you because you are awesome? 

There's even some girls who take their boyfriend everywhere they go. I mean, if your boyfriend is he only guy at the dinner table you should probably open your eyes and take the hint.  Bringing him out everywhere doesn't make you any better than the girls who stay away with their boyfriends. What's wrong with going out and having a good time and meeting up with your man later on at night anyways? 

 I'm sure you know exactly the type of person I am talking about. Lets go ahead and throw this out there too- if you get pissed at this blog post then you're probably just guilty of it. You should definitely take some time and try to reconnect with your friends.

Until next time, 

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