Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What is happy?

The reason I went to New Orleans two weeks ago was to attend a conference called Serious Business.   It's hosted by Neill Corporation which are the distributors for Aveda products.  In the nearly five years I have been an Aveda stylist I had never attended the conference before but after all the great testimony from my coworkers I decided to give it a go.  It's not a conference where we learn new color formulas and cuts.  It's more of a inspirational and motivational conference. This year the theme was "I'm here" and it was centered around happiness.

Everyone knows someone who is always negative, always complaining and always frustratingly unhappy with life.  You know the type. Everyone is having a great time but that one negative Nancy manages to bring down the mood. If you can't think of that person then chances are its you. So listen up.

One on the most valuable pieces of information I retained was that your happiness effects other people's happiness. We are wirelessly connected to each other.  what I mean by that is if you're down in the dumps it's going to inevitably bring everyone else's mood down too. If you're complaining about something then it's going to take away part of the happiness from the people you're surrounded by.   We cannot be truly successful unless we fill our minds with optimism. Each day we should remind ourselves of the things we are grateful for.  The easiest way to do this is to surround yourself with concrete social support who will generate a sustainable positive change. If we are inspiring and think big we can generate the genuine positivity that this world so desperately yearns for. 
"The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we hit it". - Michealango Buonarroti

In one of the breakout sessions we listened to a chiropractor named Dr. Eric Snow.  He was a firm believer in that your mental state effects your physical state. If you constantly push yourself to be the best you that you can be it will surely lead to a positive physical state.  What we put into our minds and what we put into our digestive system is a direct correlation to the condition of our body's health. 
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest the patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease." -Thomas Edison
One of the key note speakers was this little red head firecracker named Erika Napoletano. Have you ever had a moment when you instantly click with someone and think "that's my new best friend!"?  Well I felt that connection as soon as she walked on stage and said, "can I get a hell yeah?" then followed up with "can I get a fuck yeah?".  She talked with us about how being unpopular has its advantages.  She expressed her desire for people to embrace their individuality and uniqueness.  Not everyone's brain works in the same way and its important for you to understand that you work the way you do for a reason.  I learned that we can never be sincerely happy with our lives until we accept who we are. She also drilled us on the fact that sometimes it's ok to just say, "you know what.. Fuck you".  She has a book titled Unpopular. I haven't had the chance to read it yet, but its defiantly on my kindle reading list.
"Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken" -Oscar Wilde
I took this and so much more home with me when I left Serious Business. I felt rejuvenated, motivated, and inspired.  Over the two days of the conference my mind had spun faster than I could keep up.  Being happy isn't just a feeling. It's a state of being. It's a lifestyle.  Being healthy mentally, spiritually, and physically are the most important things in life. If you cannot successfully be a happy person then you simply cannot be successful.

Until next time,

Friday, January 25, 2013

New Orleans

My weekend-part 2

So after my date with Justin Bieber and a very small amount of sleep later, I headed to the airport for my first flight ever. I was headed to New Orleans to meet up with my Lyndon's Salon family who had flown up the night before. I was really nervous and my stomach was in knots. Have you ever heard Alanis Morrissette's song "Ironic"? There is a part in the song where a man had gone his whole life without flying and the one time he decides to go it crashes. Yeahhh.. I was positive the plane was going go all Alanis on me. But I survived. Thank goodness- because NOLA was one heck of a weekend.

As soon as I got to the hotel I was greated by a massively hungover staff. It was great hearing about the night before. However, it fueled me to get the party started early.  We all got dress and ate at this oyster house and started drinking of course. It was 11am by the way. But hey- it's 5:00 somewhere. After that, we headed to the French Quarter to be touristy. We grabbed an alcoholic slushy for the walk. After I purchased a new wire ring, I headed to the casino with another stylist. Naturally we picked up a hand grenade for the walk back. It's supposed to be made of a bunch of liquor and nothing else but really it just tasted like sweet tarts. So I'm sipping on that when I come across Big Sexy. Big Sexy is a pretty large man in a cowboy hat with a leather bra on. He has a skirt on with fish nets and platform heels. And that's when I knew I was getting drunk. We stopped by the hotel to get some more drinks and continued to the casino. The best part of Nola is that you can walk around with alcohol all day long and not get in trouble. My group of friends would love life here.

We get to the casino and we grab a seat at the penny slots. I'm hooked. I spent $25 and won $100. Then about 5 minutes later I lost it all. Then I got up 60$ and I kinda lost count from then. We were in there 6 hours. I had no idea. I thought we were there for like an hour and a half. When you're gambling you get free drinks. Oh my goodness, we defiantly utilized that.

After we finally left the casino we met up with the rest of the salon staff and headed to see the first official mardi gra parade. Lucky for us they moved it up a week because of the Super Bowl. Pretty much every floats theme was derogatory towards the Super Bowl. I have never in my life seen so much penis and vagina related things- and I've been to PCB for spring break four years. I got my first set of beads there along with some Jell-O shots (gross- who would take those from a stranger in the street) and some marry Jane candy. After that my voice was pretty much a gonner.

While everyone else went to bed, I was still ready to go. So I stayed out with one of the other stylist who is gay. We head all the way down Burbon street, rightfully collecting beads on the way, to the gay bar.  This was also a first for me. After we got in we headed straight to the bar. On the bar there were tons of male dancers in very tight underwear. One made eye contact with me and started coming towards me. Naturally, my hands started sweating and I just stared and the ceiling yelling "I can't" until my drink was delivered. We drank and danced and finally decided we should probably head back to the hotel. Not before one final drink though, right? We were sitting at the bar when one of the little underwear men walked up. Crap. So I decide to get my picture with him because I felt like nobody back home would understand what was happening. Let me tell you...this man put his weenier on my leg. ON.MY.LEG. yes- I have the picture if any of you would like to see. On the long walk back to the hotel I suffered from Post Tramatic Stress Dissorder.

The next day the conference started. So the party didn't start til later that night. We decided not to eat dinner. Good idea, huh? We had some drinks in the room and talked about some uh.. Recreational..activities. After that we headed to my new favorite place in New Orleans, the casino. I didn't do well at all. Finally when I broke even I just stopped. Thank goodness for those free drinks or I would've been really pissed. We headed down Burbon again catching beads as we go when the best thing ever happened. One guy asked us to show our boobs when one of the other stylists yells "no, you show me your boobs". GOLDEN.  She got some beads for that. We kept making our way down and went back to the gay bar. We met some awesome people from Murfreesboro and danced all night with them. Before I knew it, it was just me and one other person from my salon there. So I decided to head back. Good thing the Murfreesboro people wouldn't let me walk alone. I took two different turns before I figured out where I was. But I stopped by the Krystal near our hotel and decided some chili cheese fries would be good. I can testify- chili cheese fries do not mix well with a beer and vodka diet. My insides were all twisted.

Over three nights I had only gotten a total of 9 hours of sleep. So Monday was a little delusional for me. As fun as New Orleans was I was excited to get back to Nashville and see my sweet cat and perfect roomie. I can honestly say, I came home from NOLA a changed woman. So many firsts or me: First plane ride, first casino, first gay bar, first set of beads, first PTSD experience. I had so much fun being there with my Lyndon's family. It really brought us so much closer and I'm so thankful for the opportunity to go. It's always nice to see the people who write your paychecks drunk as hell.

We weren't just there to party though. We were there to attend a conference called Serious Business. It was very inspirational and motivational. I'm going to tell y'all about all the wonderful things I learned there too very very soon. So keep checking in with me.

Until next time,

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Baby baby baby ohhh

This weekend was definitely one for the record books. I still haven't caught up on sleep..or completely detoxed from my alcohol diet...but I just really couldn't wait to tell everyone about it! 

         After what felt like I waited a lifetime, it was finally the day I got to see my man Justin Bieber in concert. If you don't already know, I have an almost embarrassing obsession for this guy. I blame my obsession on growing up with boy bands and young male singers like Jesse McCartney and Aaron Carter (thank you 90s-early 2000s). I was so nervous for some reason. It was like first date kind of nerves. I have no idea why though. Its not like I was going to meet him or even be remotely close to him.  Our seats were pretty bad. I'm talking section 301 in Bridgestone Arena bad. I'm pretty sure I could've touched a cloud. Don't don't let that fool you. I was screaming and singing like I was in the front row.  
          The night started out a little rough. We called the cab company at 5:30 to come scoop us up at 6:00. When it hit 6:15 we decided to give them a call to see if they were lost. The company told us to call them every ten minutes to see if any of the drivers were coming. Ugh, why should we do that? Just freaking send them. We waited and waited and had some Budlights and waited some more. Finally at 6:50 (the concert started at 7) the taxi driver showed up. So we finally pull up to Broadway when I realized I HAD LEFT MY PHONE AT MY APARTMENT. I died a little inside. I thrive off Twitter, texting, and Instagram. Knowing I wasn't going to be able to capture this concert was just tragic. Needless to say, as we entered and took the never ending escalater ride up I made sure to grab not one but two tall boys of beer. 
             Cody Simpson opened first. We missed most of it but I wasn't too upset considering I don't know the guy or any if his songs.  Then Carly Rae Jespen came on after him. She was pretty fun and entertaining.  She even grabbed some people and let them party on stage with her during her hit of the summer, "Call Me Maybe". I really liked her song "Heart Is A Muscle". After all that, it was time for my biebz to come on.
             Oh Justin. That guy has talent. He played the piano, the guitar, and the drums.  He sang all the songs I wanted him to play. He even sang a few with just acoustics. I love that. He engaged his audience. At one point he even grabbed the camera and showed what the audience looked like from his view. Dang it must be awesome to have that many people dying to see you. He danced all across the stage and even gave us some risky pelvis thrusts and body rolls. You know I wasn't mad about that. Meeeeowww. When he took his shirt off my eardrums almost busted.
          I will say... I'm in love but I'm not so head over heels that I won't admit that I can't stand his outfits sometimes. I just can't handle his pants. They're like skinny jean versions of mc hammer pants.  His last wardrobe change for his encore he came out with zebra striped pants like that with his red briefs showing and no shirt. Y'all, this is why he needs me. I would tell him that's not acceptable. But whatevz.
           I also want to tell y'all how awesome the staging was. The lighting was incredible. The stage set up was great. I love trap doors. His literally shot him and his backup dancers high in the air before they landed. He also had this crane that went above the audience that circled around so we cold see him better. I also really enjoyed that there was times where they showed home videos and his old YouTube videos. Those things just make me sink a little deeper in love. 
          All in all it was an amazing experience and I'm very thankful that I had the opportunity to go. Next time, I swear I will buy meet and greet passes because I just KNOW that if he ever met me he would fall in love. Also, I am aware that I'm 22 and I'm super creepy for being so obsessed with him. There ain't no shame in my game baby. 

Stay tooned to read about the rest if my weekend in New Orleans! 

Until next time,

Monday, January 14, 2013

Quarter Life Crisis

After a couple of emotional breakdowns and a few bar talks with friends I've decided to write about the latest world wide epidemic: The Quarter Life Crisis. 

Ever since I can remember people have told me that my 20s are supposed to be the best years of my life. While I can honestly say I have lived a wonderful life, there is still something missing.  As a 20 something year old we are pressured by every aspect of life's roller coaster. We are supposed to have a great position in a career of our choice, the perfect relationship, and be financially stable.  There is so much pressure to be the perfect person that it makes people question themselves, their goals, and life in general. Self achievement and self worth are all casualties of the quarter life crisis and its easy to hide these worries through booze and tears. 

This past summer by best friend told our little clique about this awesome book by Christine Hassler called, "20 Something 20 Everything". It's all about finding who you really are and where you want to go in life.  At the time she told me about the book I was a single 21 year old senior in college. So, I thought I would give it a shot considering I was nearing the time to face the monsters of the real world. I got one chapter in and the book had already made me feel like my life was falling apart..or maybe that it had never started coming together. Either way, I closed the book and haven't opened it since. I'm not saying its a bad book-I wouldn't know. I'm saying I wasn't ready to look at my life like that.

Now I'm 22 with a degree in business management with two jobs doing what I love to do. Sounds great, right? Ha! Well here's the deal, I'm still dealing with the quarter life crisis. With social media at the center of the universe, I feel like every single time I get on Facebook or Twitter I am faced with another accomplishment of someone other than me. 

After engagement season- oh, I mean the holidays- it felt like I was the only single person left in the world. I think about the last two guys I've had in my life. One, was just too much and the other just wasn't enough. It made me feel like I wasn't meant to find anyone. It was like my life was a reoccuring episode of The Bachelor where I didnt get the rose at the end of the night. That's the kind of crisis 20 something year olds are facing all the time. Thanks to another one of my best friends who comforted me via a hysterical phone call through probably one of the most dramatic breakdowns I have ever had, I've come to realize falling in love doesn't HAVE to happen at the same age for everyone. Some people find their love (like my perfect chi omega little sister) in high school. Others, like me perhaps, are meant to do something in life that just simply doesn't permit a relationship at this time. That doesn't mean something is wrong you. Trust me, I know better than anyone it's just hard to grasp that concept.

As far as jobs go, college students are expected to know exactly what they are going to do with their lives right after graduation. The fact is, that's just asking for too much. We enter college at 17/18 years old. We are told to pick a concentration and thats what we are expected to do for the rest of our lives. I'm sure it was much easier when men were expected work the coal mines and women were supposed to stay at home and care for the house and children. Now, men and women are competing for the same jobs and steadily moving up the ladder side by side.  Knowing that, it's hard on 20 something year olds to figure out where they fit and what job best suits them. That's why so many people switch degrees, go to different colleges after they graduate, or just wind up in a completely different field than the degree they paid so much money to get.  Fortunately for me, I love being a hairstylist. I'm lucky enough to have two jobs doing what I love to do. If y'all know me at all, you know I went to college solely for the experience. However, someday I hope to use that piece of paper that put me $14000 in debt to open my own salon. Here's to big goals, huh?

Speaking of money, why the heck are we expected to be financially stable at this age? I have two jobs and still find myself looking under the seat of my car to find lost quarters (I love quarters by the way).  With no money in my bank account, I will still go out on Saturdays and buy my friends a round of shots to celebrate the smallest things. I indulge in endless amounts of margarita pitchers  just because the local Mexican restaurant is having a special. I buy clothes I don't need, go to expensive movies, and eat out far too often. But you know what, I seriously don't care.  Apparently at this age we are supposed to be preparing for our future. We're supposed to budget our lives in order to start saving for that wedding we have pinned on Pinterest or that dream home we pinned. I don't know about you but I'd rather not have a pot to pee in but have a good time than save all my money and wither away watching reruns of murder shows for the rest of my life. 

I suppose the best advice I can give is to come to grips with the fact that life isn't perfect for everyone at this age. Some people cruise though life in a brand new Escalade while others take the bumpy road on the struggle bus. The pressure is inevitable. The outlook of it all is what truly defines you. If you're like me, you're going to break down. Life is hard. That's the facts. Getting back on your feet and finding the greener side is the best thing you can do for yourself. Just know that your not alone when you feel like things aren't falling into place for you.

Until next time,

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Cheater Cheater

Here lately it seems like the world is obsessed with love- find it, being in it, or getting over it. But are people jumping into relationships just to be a part of something? To feel like they are loved? That answer is pretty obvious to me- HELL YES. Maybe its because the months of November through February are the single persons nightmare.

So people find themselves in these relationships that don't make them happy. Some stick it out, some break it off, and some are so unhappy they cheat until they're caught. If you are genuinely happy in your relationship and the way things are panning out for you and your partner then you wouldn't feel the need for some sweet release such as cheating.

I'm sure you can think of multiple people who have been cheated on or have cheated on someone. That person might even be you. It seems like it happens all the time. What goes through people's minds to think such activity is ok? What makes people think they are so sneaky that they can get away with it. News flash cheaters... someone will find out. At that point, if you are the cheater you should make a run for it. Let me tell you, if anything happened like that to one of my girls I can promise you a parade of angry pitch fork holding hormone enraged women would come to take care of business.

So lets talk about the different kinds of cheaters

The "it's just flirting" cheater-  texting is harmless in most cases. However it is the content of such texts that make you a cheater even if there is no actual physical contact. Any sexual conversation that is exchanged makes you one step closer to making the physical mistake. And FYI: sending snapchats of you, your body, or your package is not ok. .. And unless you look like Ryan Gosling or James Franco- just don't. You're embarrassing yourself. Oh and keep in mind, if you have to delete messages so your girlfriend or boyfriend won't see it then you know you're doing something wrong.

The "ex" cheater- now this is a two part category. First, the cheater who has a past of cheating. Oh come on, we have all heard it before, once a cheater- always a cheater. Sure giving people he benefit of the doubt is awesome and more power to those people who don't have trust issues. But it makes me so sad for my girl Kelly Clarkson. Her recent engagement is to a man who got a divorce from his previous wife for his actions of infidelity. Tragic. It's hard to be happy for a girl who is essentially signing her life away to a man with a nasty past.
The second part of this category is a person who cheats on his or her partner with their ex. Everyone wants to think of themselves as an upgrade. How crappy is that that your being cheated on by a person you trust and love with someone they talk shit about? Low blow, y'all.

The "it didn't mean anything" cheater- just shut up, you're an idiot.

The married man- really? Do vows mean nothing? Does the unity of two people becoming one in the name of a higher power mean nothing? This one hits home. Marriage is something we all dream of. We dream to live happily ever after with white picket fences and children playing with puppies until its time to sit down as a family and eat dinner together. Yeah.... That's rare. Men, how many times do you plan to get on one knee? Women, how many times do you plan to teach your children who daddy is? If you're married, especially if you have children, and you feel the need to cheat.. I just can't handle you. You should reevaluate your life.

What makes cheaters think they are so desirable? What makes them think they deserve more than hat they already have? And why the hell do they think its ok to put someone through that? Just break up with them. Not to mention, there is a ton of slores in world. You having relations with other people and bringing it back to the bedroom with your partner is unthoughtful, dangerous, and disgusting. Which inevitably makes you disgusting, cheater.

Until next time,

Monday, January 7, 2013

The Bachelor

As much as I love a good football game I have no ties to Bama or Fighting Irish so needless to say I found myself glued to ABC to endulge in Sean's beauty. If you're a true red blooded American then you know good and well the first episode of The Bachelor is solely there to rip into beautiful single women with our jealous and judgemental ways. But let's be real.... Some of those girls are just embarrassing. I never really understand how all these beautiful women are single.. But then again this show gives meaning to the term beauty is only skin deep. I am here to tell ya, crazy is to the bone.

 Lets start out strong with the ultimate train wreck, Ashley P. ummmm no girl is seriously THAT obsessed with fifty shades of gray. If any of you have read this book you know it's horribly written but its fun because it brings out the sexy desire to have a relationship that's kinky or wrong in all the right ways. Well listen here Ashley P.  your first impression was just embarrassing. Pulling out a tie and questioning the beautiful blond hair blue eyed Sean if he can teach you how to use that is just unacceptable. It also doesn't help that you pulled the whole "it's just me and my cat" thing. it just doesn't look good for us single girls left in the world. I'm also embarrassed that you're in front of 25 other girls you've never met as well as Sean (oh and the millions of viewers sitting in their living room) and you're insanely drunk and twerking it all around the house. It's also probably not a good sign that Sean told you he brought a rape whistle.

The next notable mistake was Lindsay. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? Wearing a wedding dress does not mean you "have balls". It means you're physco. Lindsay also kissed him on the lips the moment she met him. I just want to know why she thought that was a joke?

Lindsay should've taken tips from Lesley. Faking a football play to see a little booty was so funny and showed a playful side which all dudes love. Lindsay better thank her lucky stars he gave her a rose tonight and I'm looking forward to seeing if any more craziness comes out of her.

Another disappointment was Kelly. Kelly is from Nashville so I automatically want to root for her. However, I want to run my fingers through her curls while I tell her that singing a song about her and Sean the first time they met us just creepy. I understand these girls want to make an impression on him and want him to remember them.. But I just can't condone such activity. If she was out at a bar on Broadway one Nashville night I can guarantee singing to a man is not how she would get his attention. I'm not surprised she didn't get a rose.

Thankfully, the beautiful and humble Kacie B. is back and representing my hometown of Clarksville.

Also- is it just me or did Ashley H. Look like Nicki Minaj's little sister? And to the girl (I can't remember her name) who was wearing a gold gown and thought it was ok to attempt two back handsprings.. You should've known better. That fall was atrocious.

Until next time y'all,



By the way, follow me on Twitter

Well this should be fun..

Welcome to my blog, y'all!
I don't really know why I wanted to blog but I feel like I have nothing to lose. For my first entry I just want to tell everyone a little about myself and my blogging intentions.
I'm 22 years old and a recent graduate from Austin Peay State University where I was a member of Chi Omega women's fraternity. I am a hairstylist and have been in the industry for nearly five years. I recently moved to Nashville in hopes of finding whatever is missing in my life. Don't get me wrong, I'm a happy, feel good type of lady, but I just felt like I meant to do more than melt away in the same small town I was born in. With that said, I hope to entertain you all with stories of my wild adventures through life. I never take life too seriously and making people laugh (even at my own embarrassing expense) is one of those things that keeps me on the "greener" side of life. Hope you all enjoy!