Thursday, February 14, 2013

Stupid Cupid Laws of Love

Let me start out by saying a big fat HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!

Let's be honest, Valentines Day is right up there with New Years Eve for the most overrated holidays.  Don't get me wrong, I think it's super awesome to get showered with candy, flowers, and jewelry. But I don't think guys should need a holiday to celebrate their women. Sounds like something a cat lady would say, right? Oh well. I'm content with the way I think because Adam Levine said the same thing on the E! Red carpet before the Grammys.

But what really bothers me are the girls that sink into depression on Valentines Day if they don't have a significant other. I mean, I'm single-ish right now and I am totally excited to spend my night with three of my really beautiful single friends. Why? Because those are the people that make me smile. Valentines Day is all about love. I firmly believe everyone should spend the day doing things that they love.  Not a single soul should spend the day picking his or her brain about what could be wrong and why they are single. You are perfect just the way you are. It comes down to the fact that God has a plan for every aspect of your life.  That means he has a grasp one your love life as well. I know just as well as anyone how hard is it to let that sink in and be content. Don't let this one day of the year define you.  Don't let it effect your attitude about yourself or your perception of couples. 

 So if you're one of those people who loathes Cupid for not shooting you in the heart with an arrow this year just think about everything you have in life that you love and that makes you smile.  Get out of bed, put some clothes on, and go spend the rest of this beautiful day doing things that make you happy. Celebrate the awesome you that you so naturally are.

Until next time,

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